♦ The Birth of TopArt?
– Topart was born and formed on the basis of Singapore’s education namely “All ideas are treated with appreciattions” this is the message that Topart wants to share with all children across the country.
– Topart has long recognized the importance of art in the development of children’s intellectuals. Nowadays, parents who send their children to study painting do not want their children someday to become an artist or a genius but to equip their children with nessecary knowledge in daily life. Enrolling in the environment of arts will help people become more content, have a better life style, gain more confidence in solving all problems and develop their logical thinking as much as possible.
– Today applicable art has been present and used for all industries. Everyone wants to be more beautiful in the way we dress, decorate the house or things around … all of this requires us to have higher aesthetic skills. That’s why TopArt was born to give the young students essential skills they need in their lives and learning arts will help to achive better in most of the remaining subjects at school, making children become more clever, organized, creative in all areas…
♦ Why learning arts at TopArt is nessecary?
– At present and in the future, all children need to develop their thinking and mindset in the most comprehensive way. This is the goal that Topart is looking forwards to. In addition to studying subjects at schools such as Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Science … they must maintain a balance with other subjects including arts, physical strength … for the most comprehensive development. Parents need to have in-depth understanding to not devaluate any subjects or areas.
– The reasons behind this approach is to give the child the ability to think, to be well-organized, to think about problem-solving steps based on the intensive observation in daily life. This is a good skill to help children deal well with all the problems that occur.
♦ How is the syllabus designed?
– Comprehensive syllabus in the field of painting and aesthetics of international standards based on the standpoint: arts or painting is another form of discovery and exploration, thus encouraging children’s development of thinking by introducing new ideas, asking questions, experimental hypotheses, encouraging creativity, expressing unique ideas and encouraging interactions through dialogues. The syllabus is divided into different levels from basic to advanced. It is thanks to this method that TopArt has enabled learning Arts and learning at school are always complementary to each other closely in parallel.
♦ How teachers are qualified?
– All Topart art teachers are selected based on the criteria:
1. Graduates from University or College of Fine Arts, Art Education.
2. Have good personality and teaching skills with love for children.
3. Teachers must go through trainings about TopArt’s teaching methods. Only qualified teachers fulfilling standards required are certified to officially give lessions in class.
♦ What will students learn from Topart?
– Coming to TopArt, students will be familiar with a vibrant and professional learning environment
– Students’ personality will be trained through drawing by TopArt teaching method, for example: basic color techniques, making children to become cleaner, more careful and well-organized.
– Students will be practicing advanced techniques about natural phenomena. In addition, Topart also organized more classes or workshops about paper and clay craft as well as watercolors, pen … to provide with nessecary skills at early ages. The purpose is to train children to become more careful, to think and work with logical thinking.
– Learning to draw well helps your child to better learn other subjects in school with logical thinking to apply in mathematics for example, while imagination will be useful to apply in literature.
– Besides, TopArt also helps children with a higher aesthetic perception (chosing clothes or home decoration … the necessary skills in daily life)
♦ Học viên sẽ được học những gì ở Topart ?
– Đến với Topart học viên sẽ được làm quen với môi trường học tập sinh động, chuyên nghiệp về bộ môn mỹ thuật.
– Học viên của Topart sẽ được rèn luyện nhân cách thông qua bài vẽ bằng phương pháp Topart, ví dụ: phương pháp phối màu căn bản, qua cách phối màu làm cho bé cẩn thận hơn, ngăn nắp hơn, sạch sẽ hơn.
– Học viên sẽ được thực hành các kỹ xảo nâng cao về các hiện tượng trong thiên nhiên quanh ta. Ngoài ra Topart còn tạo thêm nhiều lớp thủ công giấy, đất sét cũng như các môn ký họa bằng màu nước, bút sắt … nhằm đem đến cho các bé sự khéo léo, tập trung phát triển nhiều kỹ năng ngay khi còn nhỏ. Mục đích là để rèn cho bé tính cẩn thận, có suy nghĩ khi làm việc và làm việc có khoa học logic hơn.
– Học vẽ tốt giúp cho bé học tốt hơn những môn học khác ở trường thông qua cách suy nghĩ như bé có thể tư duy logic hơn để áp dụng trong môn học toán, học vẽ tốt giúp bé giàu hình ảnh tưởng tượng hơn trong bộ môn văn ..
– Ngoài ra Topart giúp cho trẻ có nhận thức thẩm mỹ cao hơn (chọn áo, quần hay trang trí nhà cửa ….những thứ cần thiết trong cuộc sống hàng ngày)
♦ How is timetable?
– The duration depends on the timetable of each center. Each class last 2 hours or 1 hour 30 minutes on weekdays.
• Morning: 8h – 10h , 10h – 12h
• Afternoon: 14h -16h, 15h – 17h
• Evening: 17h- 19h, 18h – 20h
♦ In addition to the drawings in the textbook, what do children also learn?
– Children also learn techniques and effects such as clouds, rain, thunder, lightning, night sky, fireworks …. to apply into their works to make their pictures more colorful and shimmering.
– Children can also practice with craft studies, sculpture …
– Children also know how to draw maquette from simple to complex with logical creativity
– Children must train to have the habit of exploring and observing more images beyond the topic given
♦ Are children with gifted background able to learn at TopArt?
– According to trend set by TopArt, Drawing and Painting is a comprehensive skill development so all students can attend class. Because learning to draw is not just about art education but it also train your children’s patience, concentration and it will take time for children to achive better day after day.
– A child coming to Topart, whether gifted or not, is taught by Topart in a modern way, which helps him to understand that the beautiful painting will be a piece of cake instead of difficult task that he need to complete. But what TopArt focuses more here is to help him understand the purpose behind each beautiful work that is created.
♦ What skills can children acquire through learning painting?
– Learning painting will train children to treat everything with more care, concentration and patience, helping them to acquire nessecary skills to develop comprehensively and better support other subjects in school and become more successful in life as children grow up. It is believed that it is easier for a child with comprehensive development to succeed in work and in modern life today.
♦ Do learners of Topart receive certificates after graduation?
– After completing 2 courses in TopArt equivalent to 8 months with 32 sessions, students will be granted a certificate of completion based on the course they are attending.
♦ What if my child wants to study more intensively in the field of fine arts or Industrial design in Vietnam as well as abroad?
– Currently, TopArt has been associated with the ADS Design Insititute. This is a specialized professional training environment in applied arts with such areas as interior design, fashion design, graphic design, design design, visual communication design and related fields applied in daily life.
– In addition, ADS also connects universities in the field of fine arts in Vietnam and abroad to help students of TopArt when they have aspirations to pursue professional education in Vietnam with 100% foreign teachers or study abroad with major in fine Arts
♦ In addition to drawing what if students want to learn other courses?
– In addition to the main program in the curriculum, there are other programs such as crafting on paper, cloth, draper, clay, advanced craft such as glass painting, landscape and human sketch.
♦ What students learn in crafting classes?
– Crafting classes are offered for ages 5 – 15 years old. Students are trained in other skills to acquire more flexibility with hands following a professional syllbabus, from basic to advanced courses, in which they will learn collage, embroidery, sculpture.
♦ My child is just 4 years old, what can he learn at TopArt Because I think baby is too young?
– The age of 4 is the golden age to learn painting. Children will be instructed by the instructors to sit, use pencils properly, identify and distinguish colors, color and mix colors basically, which helps children to better apply into writing skills when going to school.
♦ Can children participate in extracurricular activities?
– Every summer, TopArt organizes outdoor activities such as kite flying, visiting museum of fine arts, drawing competitions among branches within TopArt system so that children can exchange and learn from one another. TopArt regularly organizes major art events to help children exchange, meet and share learning experiences.
♦ Does Topart organize drawing competitions for children to participate in?
– Every summer, especially in August, TopArt will organize different competitions for the children to show their talents through painting.